7-10 juin 2022 Vannes (France)
Model-driven deployment of Digital Twins for Smart Environments - The Human at home projecT case study
Alireza Asvadi  1  , Gaëlic Bechu  2  , Antoine Beugnard  2  , Caroline Cao  2  , Christophe Lohr  2  , Panagiotis Papadakis  2  , Christelle Urtado  3  , Quentin Perez  3  , Sylvain Vauttier  3  
1 : Lab-STICC, UMR CNRS 6285
IMT Atlantique, Brest, France, CNRS : UMR6285
2 : Lab-STICC, UMR CNRS 6285
CNRS : UMR6285, IMT Atlantique, Brest, France
3 : EuroMov - Digital Health in Motion  (Euromov DHM)
IMT - MINES ALES, Institut Mines-Télécom [Paris], Université de Montpellier : UR_UM_IMT_102
Université de Montpellier UFR STAPS 700 avenue du Pic Saint Loup34090 Montpellier -  France

HUT is a multidisciplinary project that aims at studying the impact of smart environments on well-being. Its main equipment is an observatory apartment that collects data generated by daily life activities of voluntary occupants thanks to a large variety of sensors (temperature, hygrometry, CO2, light, presence, doors, electric and water consumptions, ...)
How to use these datasets for studying the integration of AI components in smart environments? How to continue these experiments after the end of the HUT project?

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